Terms of Reference: Online Database Consultant

YUWA . (Posted: 1 year ago)

Deadline: Expired 381 Days ago


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**Terms of Reference **

Post Title: Online Database Consultant

Project Title: Right Here Right Now 2


At global level, Right Here Right Now 2 (RHRN2) is a five year partnership (2021-2025) created so that young people in all their diversity enjoy their sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) in gender-just societies. Young people are the forefront of the partnership. The program seek to unleash the power of youth, to increase public support for SRHR, to improve policies and laws, and to strengthen civil society. Lobbying and advocacy is the program’s main strategy, supported by mutual capacity strengthening.

The partnership comes at a critical time when SRHR as well as gender justice are under pressure around the world, and young people’s needs consistently go unmet. The program do not shy away from taboo subjects such as comprehensive sexuality education and safe abortion, and advocate for the rights of marginalized groups such as girls, young women and young lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people.

The program brings together diverse and complementary organizations working across 10 countries: Bangladesh, Benin, Burundi, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Morocco, Nepal, Tunisia, and Uganda.

In addition, the program and its members embrace the following key principles/values: Meaningful Inclusive Youth Participation (MIYP), Inclusivity, Gender Transformative Approach, Human Rights-based Approach, Do- No-Harm, and Safety.


RHRN2 Nepal coalition includes six organizations: Youth Alliance For Development (YARD), CDS-PARK, Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN), Beyond Beijing Committee (BBC), Blue Diamond Society (BDS) and YUWA, where YUWA is also the country lead for the coalition. The coalition consists of diverse organization representing youth led organization, feminist-led network organization, organization led by people living with disability and queer-led organization. The coalition, by 2025, envisions to ensure young people aged 15-30 in their diversity are empowered to exercise all aspects of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in a supportive social and enabling legal environment in Nepal.

Online Database on Excel for PMEL Quantitative Indicator Sheet

Based on the Right Here Right Now 2 Theory of Change, a global PMEL framework and learning agenda has been in place which consists of different monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and tools such as periodic narrative reports, quantitative indicators, outcome harvesting and mid-term and end-term evaluations. Operational research are also scheduled as per the learning agenda and priorities annually.

The quantitative indicators aim to collect disaggregated data regarding the program reach online and offline. The data is disaggregated by age-group, gender, disability and so on. To further increase the efficiency and convenience in data collection, verification, storage and analysis, we want to create an online database on excel and link different databases.


  1. To create and interlink an online database on excel for data entry and common database for the quantitative indicator sheet disaggregated by age, gender, activity and other categories as required.
  2. The database should be disaggregated by organization with multiple users having access to the database for data-entry, viewing, verifying and downloading offline versions.
  3. The platform should have space for uploading attendance sheet/link to verify and also separate database for participants’ data.
  4. The data including the organizational data as well as consolidated data can be easily retrieved as downloadable excel file.
  5. Data visualization can be used or generated easily.
  6. To train and orient the relevant staff on how to use this platform and its functions.


The consultant is expected to deliver the following:

  • A new online database is in place with interlinkages and disaggregation as per the RHRN2 Nepal’s quantitative indicator sheet which can be accessed by all intended users as required by YUWA.
  • Data privacy and protection should be ensured and prioritized in the platform design and use.
  • The platform should be ready and go live in 30 days.
  • An orientation on the use of the online database to all the relevant program staff.
  • The total working days for this assignment will be 30 days.


  • A gender-transformative approach (GTA);
  • Inclusiveness;
  • Meaningful and inclusive youth participation (MIYP);
  • Do no harm;
  • Accountability


Minimum university degree in the field of software, IT or other relevant field.

  • Two to five years of experience in web-based applications/technologies with ability to analyse organizational goals and requirements.
  • Demonstrated ability to model data and processes with previous experience in developing and interlinking database for similar data type as mentioned above.
  • Demonstrated ability to plan and carry out system and user acceptance testing.
  • Professional advanced level training on Microsoft 365 and Excel.
  • Preferably well-acquainted in working with Microsoft Office 365 and Excel.

Interested candidates (individual or firm) meeting the above-mentioned requirements are requested to apply by sending the following documents with subject “Application for online database consultant” to [email protected] by February 11, 2024:

  1. CV
  2. Cover letter
  3. Technical and Financial Proposal
  4. Project Briefs and references (Links, credentials)
  5. Company Profile ( Applicable for firms only)
  6. Company Registration ( Applicable for firms only)
  7. Tax clearance certificate
  8. PAN/VAT

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